Stichting Ruggensteuntje Indonesië


Through our newsletter we like to keep you informed of the (recent) developments within the projects in Indonesia and our activities in the Netherlands.

NOVEMBER 2024 – number 33

This SRI news letter shares updates from SRI events in The Netherlands and projects on Java and Bali.

On Aug 18th our successful ‘kumpulan’ (gathering) was organized at Jeweller Albert ten Cate. The owners, Albert and Axel, made their showroom available for SRI sympathizers and their own friends. Albert and Axel support SRI because they are proud of their ‘Indische’ roots! We were really glad to meet and greet our very important sympathizers, but also get to know our new and really enthusiastic new sympathizers and to enjoy Axel’s excellent satay (chicken/ meat skewers) in the atmospheric environment.
We have already decided on next year’s ‘kumpulan’ date: Aug 17, 2025. Albert and Axel will make their showroom available again. Next year’s ‘kumpulan’ promises to be another special event!


SRI supports 39 children with their education (from kindergarten to university) in Solo and Klaten. We are proud to share that another pupil has graduated and received her Bachelor’s degree in farming technology! And that she already has found a job. 
Another pupil who studies environmental science in Solo, was selected along with other Indonesian students to join the Global Youth Innovation Summit 2024 held in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. She won the award for best team leader and best speaker!! SRI is proud of her.

The women’s cooperation Lidia in Solo organized a seminar regarding Cooperation management. A meeting like this motivates the members and promotes their sense of community. The monthly meetings were, of course, also organized, as were several different skill training sessions.

The women’s cooperation Sangu Gesang in Jumantono (near Solo) also meets monthly. They have started to fry chips (traditional snacks) and sell these online. The laundry service is a big success and is running full speed! The women generate a small profit which is used for the advancement of the whole cooperation. 
Sangu Gesang researches the possibility of rearing goats, like Kembang Wangi is doing.
SRI is supporting 4 children with their education.

Kembang Wangi, the women’s cooperation located Merapi’s slope, operates completely independent. Our contact regularly visits Musuk and Kembang Wangi does not need any financial support. For example, they buy their rice in bulk to cut costs.


Several changes were made on Bali. Yoyon’s widow used to manage the food stall Bakso Planet. They have since closed down. The oldest two sons are now married and have jobs. The youngest son works in Thailand. Ibu Yoyon herself frequently stays on Java, where she is originally from. 

The Kindergarten Seva Karuna in Sedang, received new pupils after the Summer. The oldest pupils have left Seva Karuna to start in regular primary schools. And these pupils thrive there! We have shared pictures of the classroom and of pupils harvesting chili peppers in Seva Karuna’s vegetable garden.

SRI has established and maintained contact with Pondok Geresa, the safe house in Tabanan which is a 2-hour drive from Den Pasar. They recently received a request to foster a pregnant, teenage girl that could not stay at her own home.

We have also supported them in finding a new mentor for the safe house, which is difficult and expensive, because a mentor will need to live in the safe house with the pupils. Nine pupils are currently living at Pondok Geresa. SRI will continue to provide (financial) support to cover the education fees of these pupils.

Hendrawadi, who still runs his fruit juice stall, is doing well. However, due to the rain season, the number of customers has decreased.

SRI’s board members are grateful for your support which allows SRI to continue supporting all children, women and small business owners.

Willemien, Ingrid en Helga weWillemien, Ingrid and Helga wish you a happy December.